Bio-essence Singapore Deep Cleansing Milk With Royal Jelly & ATP

5 2 reviews 100% recommend this product!
Bio-essence Singapore Deep Cleansing Milk With Royal Jelly & ATP

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Prodok bio essence best
3 years ago
Purchased by reviewer
Beli sbb packaging dia cantik.. tapi time tu guna yg tanaka, lepas pakai jerawat dengan parut slow2 hilang😭 seronok weh kalau tau produk ni bagus dah guna sebelum kawen. Lepas dh try yg tanaka sy tukar yg roysl jelly ni nk bagi kulit lagi cantik and yes makin hilang jerawat and parut.. terussss licin muka. Dan setiap perubahan tu sy tukar macam2 jenis bio essence punya produk semua okey tak naik dah jerawat. Now pakai produk terbaru bio gold rose rasa lepas pakai peloles je muka..

Would recommend !
Cleanses face makeup
6 years ago
Purchased by reviewer
I use this as a first cleanser to remove makeup, like a cleansing balm. It is pretty effective in melting away my makeup, but I do not use this on my eyes. There is a slight fragrance as there is perfume added to the formula.

However, the product contains mineral oil, so if you don't like that ingredient, you may not want to use it.

Would recommend !


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