shu uemura Ultime8 sublime beauty cleansing oil

4.7 2 reviews 100% recommend this product!
shu uemura Ultime8 sublime beauty cleansing oil

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6 months ago
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shu uemura嘅卸妝油真係一直都係我最鍾意嘅卸妝油,呢款ultime8系列係我用過咁多款卸妝油入面最有驚喜嘅一款,味道超級好聞,我通常係乾手乾臉用,就算係比較濃嘅妝,我通常用一泵嘅份量就可以卸曬全臉嘅妝,加水乳化嘅效果圖就好似如圖展示嘅咁,乳化後嘅質地會變到有少少奶白色,然後再用清水洗走,後續用洗臉奶洗臉咁就可以完全清潔乾淨曬成個妝,清潔力非常好,雖然價錢偏貴小小,但都係非常值得一試嘅卸妝油,因為一用你就會好鍾意,我係乾性肌膚用完都唔會覺得乾或者敏感或者生痘痘,產地係日本,品質有保證

Would recommend !
Super effective in removing makeup
9 months ago
Purchased by reviewer
After I started using this cleansing oil instead of makeup removers, I felt that my skin was cleaner and softer. Upon contact with my skin, the oil melts into a silky, lightweight fluid, cocooning my face in a comforting embrace, effectively removing my eye and lip makeup as well. Despite its powerful cleansing abilities, the oil is remarkably gentle on my skin, never causing any irritation or redness. I particularly like the fact that there is no strong fragrance compared to other products from the brand (like the sakura one), as well as the the pump dispenser design, which allows for effortless application and ensures a precise amount of product every time.

Would recommend !


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