Vaseline Pure Petroleum Jelly

4.7 168 reviews 99% recommend this product!
Vaseline Pure Petroleum Jelly

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17 days ago
Received as a gift outside Try and Review
Produto agradável e com boa qualidade... Cheiro agradável e toque muito bom e suave...

Would not recommend !
1 month ago
Purchased by reviewer
i use it on lips, nails and cuticles initially. And a search on the web extended its uses on dry elbows, heels and so much more! it is an essential in all ladies' bag and can be used to make apply-on solid perfume. However, it does comes with a weird scent which i really cant appreciate. That aside, it is still a must-have in my cart!

Would recommend !
Perfect as it's own or to mix!
1 month ago
Purchased by reviewer
Yes! As my title of this review, I have been using this product since umpteenth years ago and I can only EMPHASIZE THE GOODNESS of petroleum jelly! Use as a skin barrier and guard on top of your moisturiser. Mix this jelly into your moisturizer or even lip balm for better moisture lock effect. And THE BEST, mix this with your perfume and you can bring it to travel anywhere with easy of application and even meeting the airline liquid standards. LAST LONG WELL TOO!

Would recommend !
Vaseline Pure Petroleum Jelly
2 months ago
Purchased by reviewer
It's a great product and can be used on any type of skin, both adults and babies.

Would recommend !
2 months ago
Purchased by reviewer
Vaseline petroleum jelly ini melembabkan kulit yang kering dan awet banget dipakai karena isinya banyak, wanginya hampir nggak ada

Would recommend !


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